
Relieve Your Lyme Symptoms with Chiropractic Care

Have you just recently been diagnosed with Lyme disease, you are probably looking into a wide variety of treatments such as intravenous antibiotic therapies and herbal protocols. While these treatments will eventually nip your disease in the bud, they may not always alleviate your symptoms. While you are going through treatment, you may want to try an adjunct therapy, like chiropractic care. They Addresses Your Main Symptoms Common symptoms of Lyme disease include a stick neck, headaches, achy and cracking joints, and muscle aches.

Love To Garden? How To Keep Your Back From Hurting

When someone works in a garden, whether that is a flower or a vegetable garden, a lot of the work is bending over, which is hard on the back. If you love to garden, you can still enjoy it, and keep your back happy. You should also have the number of a chiropractor handy just in case you need him or her. Pulling the Weeds Weeds can take over a garden very quickly if they are not taken care of soon after they pop up out of the ground.

3 Chiropractic Supplies You Should Know About As A Patient

If you are looking to relieve some of the aches and pains that come along with life, there is no doubt the chiropractor is the place you should go for help. Some people go to the chiropractor monthly for adjustments and treatment and are very familiar with the tools they may encounter while at the office. However, if you have never been to the chiropractor, there are some thing you might see while you are there that make you quite curious.

Three Interesting Facts About The Neck

If your neck is often sore, you probably think about this part of your body a lot. How much do you really know about the structure that supports your head? Understanding a little more about how your neck is built and how it functions can help you prevent and treat problems ranging from neck stiffness to migraines. To start your neck education off on the right foot, here are three important facts about your neck.

4 Facts About the History of Chiropractic Care

Back pain is the largest cause of disability worldwide, and studies show that chiropractic care is effective not only for treating back pain, but also for addressing related issues such as migraines and neck soreness. Unfortunately, many people avoid visiting the chiropractor because they don't have a thorough understanding of the chiropractic profession or the treatments that chiropractors use. Learn a little about the history of chiropractics to help dispel worries and make patients feel more comfortable about seeking chiropractic care.

As Primary Healthcare Providers, Chiropractors Do More Than Just Have Your Back

Most people think that chiropractors do nothing more than align the musculoskeletal system. Chiropractors have more services to offer than just joint pain relief. If you are looking for a primary healthcare provider, consider using your chiropractor instead of seeking out a medical doctor. As a matter of fact, people who use their chiropractors as their primary healthcare providers are significantly less likely to need hospitalization, prescription drugs, or surgery! Primary Healthcare Provider?

Ease Stress With Routine Chiropractic Care and Alternative Therapies

Unless you are completely uninfluenced by life around you, it's likely that you deal with stress once in awhile. Stress can cause a number of health problems. From chronic headaches to difficulty sleeping, stress can wreak havoc on your overall health. Chiropractic Care Improves Your Nervous System When your body is out of alignment, your nervous system has difficulty sending signals throughout your body. With routine chiropractic adjustments, your nervous system is able to work more efficiently.

The Different Kinds Of Headaches

When your head hurts, you probably don't stop to think about what kind of headache you're experiencing. It is true, however, that there are different types of headaches and different causes for each of those types. While it may not be fun to think about, it is wise to try and figure out what kind of headaches you're experiencing. If you know what type of headache, you're that much closer to knowing the cause, and thus, finding a solution.

Four Things You Won't Believe Help Back Pain

Back pain is one of the most debilitating kinds of pains. It often spreads from a localized source and affects multiple areas of your body. Pain medications can help, as can seeing a back pain specialist. However, these four surprising activities can actually eliminate back pain or at least alleviate most of its worst symptoms. High-Heels High-heels have often been the best friend (and most bitter enemy) of the fashion-conscious professional woman, but new research seems to indicate that high-heels may actually help lower back pain in many women.

Three Things You Didn't Know About Your Hips

Until they start aching or hurting, you probably don't spend much time thinking about your hips. However, as the largest joint in the human body and the one that supports most of your weight, your hips play an essential role in allowing you to stand, walk, run and sit up. Knowing a little about them will help you care for them properly, whether you're an avid athlete or a mostly sedentary worker.