Controlling The Pain In Your Back

Drug-Free Chiropractic Treatment Options For Slip And Fall Injuries

If you have sustained a slip and fall injury and are seeking a non-pharmaceutical treatment option to help ease your symptoms and promote healing, consider chiropractic care. The techniques chiropractic physicians implement focus on treating inflammation and pain while restoring optimal mobility and improving your range of motion. Here are some ways chiropractic care can help treat your slip and fall injury so that you can resume your normal activities more comfortably.

Bone And Joint Injuries Of The Back And Neck

Back and neck injuries sustained in a slip and fall accident can cause severe pain, limited mobility, and even long-term disability. They can severely impact your life and decrease your ability to work and perform your everyday routine tasks.

Specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of musculoskeletal injuries and disorders, chiropractic physicians can perform manual adjustments to help restore your mobility, realign your spine, and eliminate your pain. In addition, your chiropractor can recommend therapeutic exercises to help restore strength to the surrounding areas of your back and neck to further enhance your recovery.

It is important to note, that while you are very likely to enjoy a dramatic improvement in your symptoms from your chiropractic treatments, it may take multiple office visits before your injuries have completely healed. 

Soft Tissue Injuries

A slip and fall injury can also result in soft tissue damage such as sprains and strains. Soft tissue damage can cause severe pain and swelling as well as significant bruising. Chiropractic treatment for a slip and fall injury affecting your soft tissues includes stretching maneuvers. Massage therapy may also be recommended by your chiropractor to promote blood flow to the affected areas, decrease discomfort, and improve your flexibility.

To further augment your treatment regimen, your chiropractor may recommend certain nutritional supplements such as omega-3 fatty acids to help promote healing and reduce inflammation. Before your chiropractor recommends dietary supplements, however, they may ask you about the medications you are taking because certain supplements can interfere with the actions of your medications. 

If you sustain a slip and fall injury, seek emergency medical care or visit your chiropractor. Slip and fall accidents can cause a wide range of injuries, including head trauma, spinal problems, and broken bones, and chiropractic care can offer you a drug-free, effective, non-invasive way of treating your pain and other symptoms. In addition to treating your slip and fall injury, chiropractic care may also help improve your general state of health and well-being.
